Contact Us

If you would like to schedule your appointment, inquire about pricing, or learn more information, fill out the form below, call, or email us and we will be in touch with you shortly!

Phone: (321) 319-4008


Do I need a referral from my vet?

To ensure the safety of your pet and to provide a thorough evaluation and develop an appropriate plan of care, a veterinary referral is required.  We are all on the same team to promote the best quality of life possible for your pet, so open communication with your vet is important to us. We want this process to be as easy as possible for you, so our front office team will work on obtaining the referral on your behalf.

What can I expect from rehab?

The goal of rehab is to optimize your pet's function and mobility so as to improve quality of life. A full evaluation will be completed at the initial consultation where mobility, joint range of motion, strength, balance, etc., will be assessed.  A plan of care will, then, be discussed with the pet parent to establish a frequency of treatment, such as 1x/week for 6 or 8 weeks, etc. Treatment will also be performed on the first visit, and can include laser therapy, manual therapy, exercises, home exercise program, etc.

Do you accept insurance?

While we do not file a claim with your insurance company, we can make it easy by issuing an itemized receipt for you to submit to your insurance company.  It is recommended to contact your insurance company to ensure canine rehabilitation is a covered expense.